Auch in diesem Jahr waren wir mit 51 Schülerinnen und Schülern der Klassen 9d und 9e in Rochester in der Grafschaft Kent in Großbritannien. Dort haben die Schülerinnen und Schüler in Gastfamilien gewohnt. Sie haben the typical English way of life kennengelernt, kulinarisch neue Erfahrungen gemacht und ihre Sprachkenntnisse praktisch anwenden können.
Tagsüber haben wir Canterbury, Rochester, Dover Castle, Brighton und London besichtigt. In den beiden Berichten zu Brighton und dem zweiten Tag in London erfahrt ihr mehr über unsere Tagesausflüge.
Am vierten Tag unserer Englandreise haben wir Brighton, eines der größten und ältesten Seebäder Großbritanniens, angeschaut. Dort gab es viele Vintage Stores in kleinen Seitenstraßen, jedoch auch ein großes Shoppingcenter mit vielen modernen Läden. Außerdem haben wir viel Zeit am Strand verbracht, an dem es einen großen Pier mit vielen Spielen und anderen Attraktionen gab. Darüber hinaus hatte man die Möglichkeit am Strand typisch britisch fish and chips zu essen. Am Ende des Tages war es ein sehr schöner und spaßiger Ausflug.
(Laura Voulon und Mathilda Meisen,9d)
This was the day we had been eagerly looking forward to all week. We started our second London day trip at Waterloo Station. When we walked over Westminster Bridge, Big Ben, the famous bell known all around the world, appeared on our left. As we turned to the right, we saw the London Eye on the South Bank of the River Thames. We were very excited, even though heavy raindrops were falling on our heads.
Then we walked through St James’s Park, and our journey led us to Buckingham Palace, which was built in 1705 and has been the Royal Family’s London residence since 1837. We had to queue for about half an hour, but we all knew that the wait would be worth it. And it truly was! As we stepped into the hall, we felt like famous stateswomen and statesmen. The state rooms of Buckingham Palace are filled with incredible artwork and portraits. The fact that the Royal Family lives here makes the palace even more special. The state rooms were breathtaking. However, it was sad that we couldn’t take pictures inside to capture the beauty of what we saw. Especially the ballroom, with chandeliers that sparkled like stars, took us into a royal dream.
As we were leaving the palace, there was a sudden police roadblock. Guess what happened: King Charles and his wife Camilla passed by in a limousine. It was an unexpected surprise, and we had the amazing opportunity to see them up close.
With huge smiles on our faces, we said goodbye to this lovely day, which will stay in our memories forever.
(Sedra Alsabek, 9e)
4. 10. 2024